SOU CG 2024-24 DM Accessible - Flipbook - Page 18
Job Search: Overview & Resources
Job Search Tips
Update Your Materials Regularly
How to Start
Make sure that your LinkedIn is updated as much as possible
and that your resume and cover letters are customized to the
positions you are applying for. Some postings close quickly, so
be ready to apply when you see something you like.
Review general job boards, like Career Launch, Indeed
or LinkedIn, or to get a better picture of the kind of jobs
that exist. Start with search terms related to your field of
study (“psychology” or “healthcare”) or your skills (“writing”
or “Photoshop”), and then use the filters to specify your
preferences for pay, geographic region, remote work, and
other factors. Once you have your filters set, you can save
your search or set alerts to receive updates.
Track Your Applications
Use a spreadsheet or use Career Launch to keep track of
postings of interest and the jobs you have applied to, deadlines
and dates submitted, and when you have received interviews.
This will make it easier to meet deadlines, know when it is time
to send a follow-up email, or to change your strategy.
Don’t Underestimate Yourself
The job search can be intimidating, especially for new
graduates, but remember, you are a valuable asset. If you
don’t meet a position’s “preferred” skill set but you have all the
requirements, go ahead and apply. Employers know that most
new hires won’t check off every item on their wish lists; the
important thing is being willing to learn.
Keep an Open Mind
While planning is important, your career will likely take you
somewhere unexpected at one point or another. Be willing to
apply to a variety of jobs, organizations, and industries. Your
skills are transferrable, and you can succeed in more positions
than you realize.
Use the LAMP Method
Outlined in Steve Dalton’s book, The 2-Hour
Job Search, the LAMP method is an organized
approach to the job search based on a 4-column
Make a list of
employers you are
interested in based off
your initial job board
Search the Raiders
Network to see if any
alumni are working
at the companies
you identified in the
first column. Use this
column to also identify
your other connections
to these companies.
S O U C A R E E R CO N N E C T I O N S - C A R E E R S . S O U . E D U
Once you’ve completed your LAMP list, sort the
data by Motivation (5 to 1), Posting (3 to 1), and
Alumni to determine which employers you want to
reach out to.
Give your employers a
score from 1-5 based
on how motivated you
are to reach out. A 1
represents companies
you have no familiarity
with and are unsure
how to contact, and a
5 correlates to your
dream jobs.
Search for job
postings from these
companies to see
whether they are
actually hiring. Give
them a score from 1
(no job postings) to 3
(postings for positions
you are interested in).